Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Belton Splash Pad & Park | Central Texas Kid's Entertainment by Norman Photography ~ Killeen, Ft. Hood, Harker Heights Children Photographer

Belton Splash Pad & Park

Belton is a lovely, small, yet high quality town just outside of Killeen off of I35.  Many newcomers have heard of and driven by Belton but might not have visited yet.  Go!  They have a number of attractions (mental note for later blogs) including a small museum, the UHMB campus, Nolan Creek Hike & Bike Trail, and a whole set of locally owned restaurants.  I recently found my new favorite attraction in Belton, the Splash Pad on 401 N. Alexander St.  You can see how much fun we had below!

So what's so special about this splash pad?  It's clean.  It's small.  It's free.  The water comes on at 10 and shuts off at 8 I believe.  Sarah & I (and lovely Pam Garcia) took all the kids there for the first time this summer.  When I say kids, I mean toddlers and babies.  We range from 2 1/2 - 9 months at the time.  I will say it's probably not a spray park that will hold the attention of older kids (10+) for a long amount of time.  But through the eyes of someone ~35in tall, it's a water park wonderland.  

When we arrived, I was pleased to see not too many people there.  While we adore and recommend the Killeen area water facilities, they are often crowded and my two little ones just get alittle overwhelmed (as do I having them by myself during the day with loads of people around).  Besides us, there were maybe 10 other kids + moms there on a Friday morning.  This combined with the cozy size of the facility was great.  I could let the girls "roam" and explore while standing on the edge and see both at the same time.  Not having to worry about the depth of water they were getting into was also really nice.  

Another thing I appreciate is shade.  Anyone living in Texas this summer knows it's vital.  Large oak trees surround the facility as well as a covered pavilion (with restrooms).  The picnic tables at the splash pad were covered and we were not in the sun at all during breaks.  The tables were perfect for our early picnic lunch we had after playing for a while.  Is there really anything better than a cold pbj, Capri Sun, and snacks after playing in the water on a hot day?  Another compliment I'll address is that the trash cans weren't overflowing.  It's probably an odd thing to mention, but to me it shows the grounds are well taken care of.  I hate trash cans with old food in them attracting all kinds of biting, stinging insects.  I'd love to see recycling bins but I'll take what I can get.  

So what about the actual splash pad itself?  The water cycles and changes what it shoots out of every 5 minutes or so.  It provides a nice attention change for the kids.  There are multiple spouts of sorts ranging from water shooting out of the ground, to on your head, to out of a wagon you can run through.  When we arrived, my oldest was weary of getting sprayed.  By the time we left, her favorite spray was the one she could stick her entire head into at full blast.  My youngest wasn't so keen on being sprayed in the face.  She preferred putting her hands in and quickly running away.  If I would have worn a swim suit and ran in, I'm sure she would have explored more.

So, overall, we loved it!  Besides the spray area, there is a wooden playground (kudos on the rubber mulch Belton) for ages 4+ and a hike and bike trail that runs along Nolan Creek.  Do I have any complaints?  I have 2.  While there is a fence blocking the spray park from the road, it has an opening on both sides that I wish were fully enclosed.  Kids do get away sometimes so be extra careful if they venture out that way.  Also, on the side by the pavilion, there is a area that collects water that is on the full sun.  It sits stagnant and lovely, slippery algae grows there in the glorious sun.  Be mindful of running in that area and wear water shoes with traction.  

I know school has started but it's Texas.  We'll be in the 90s until at least October.  This spray park is a nice retreat from the heat that is close and won't cost you anything but gas.  I highly recommend it and commend Belton for doing a great job!  Is there a special place you like to take your kiddos or maybe not take the kiddos to cool off in the summer heat?  Let us know by commenting below!

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